Sunday, April 3, 2011

Service Learning Blog Entry #3

Tomorrow is our 2nd and final VOX bake sale! I am excited and a little sad to be honest. I'm excited because our last bake sale was so fun and we made so much money, but I am also sad because it signals to me that the semester is almost over. I know that for some students that is great but for me I have really enjoyed my first semester here and I will not be going to summer school so I will have to wait until the fall to see everyone I have met again. 

Initially I thought this project would be a drag honestly. I would when I am not at school and I was not sure how I would do with the after class requirements that this project calls for, but I have so enjoyed the experience! It has been such a great learning experience! I have gotten to work with an organization that I really believe in and met people that in any other class I may not have had the opportunity to talk to and get to know. I am grateful for this project! 

Working with VOX can relate to the chapter we were just talking about it class on violence against women because the services that Planned Parenthood provides can be vital to a women who was the victim of sexual violence. "One in four U.S. college women was a victim of rape or attempted rape" (Kirk, 262). If a women is raped or sexually assaulted she may feel guilty about it. She has no reason to feel that way but it is normal and as a result she may not want to go see her regular physician for any kind of testing that may be needed to confirm that she has not contracted any STD's from the ordeal. She can go to Planned Parenthood and be tested without feeling like she is being judged. 

A women can also take advantage of the facility if she finds that she is pregnant as a result of being raped and wants to have an abortion. Beyond that though Planned Parenthood provides regular women's health services for women without the need for insurance to women who may not be able to normally get it. In an abusive home situation a man may not allow a women to work and get benefits for herself and without Planned Parenthood she may not have the opportunity to get preventative screenings. "Every year, as many as 4 million American women are physically abused by men who promised to love them" (Kirk, 260). 

Work Cited:

Kirk, Gwyn and Margo Okazawa- Rey. "Women's Bodies, Women's Health." Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives. Kirk, Gwyn and Margot Okazawa- Rey. McGraw Hill, 2010. 260, 262.

1 comment:

  1. Natalie,
    I am so glad you like Service Learning and that it has allowed you to build community here at UCF!
