Thursday, February 24, 2011

Service Learning Project: Blog Entry #1

Monday is our major service learning event, and I am really excited about it! We are working with VOX, and as a group we decided to do a bake sale as our project with the proceeds going back into the organization. Tonight I made a poster for our table, and over the weekend I am going to be getting the baked goods and wrapping them so they are ready for Monday. We are tabling from 10-2 on Monday, but as a group we are getting to school at 9am so we can set up. I am so happy that I have the group members that I do! They are awesome! Everyone in my group is just as committed and excited about this project as the next person, and I couldn't be happier about that. With this being my first semester at U.C.F. I was concerned about making friends, and this project has been such a great way to meet people. At first I admit that I had reservations about doing a group project because you never know if one person is going to flake and not keep up with their responsibilities but I was wrong. Not only am I pleasantly surprised about the work that everyone is doing, but I really feel like I am making good friends in the process. 

Our work with this organization relates back to the women's health issues we have been discussing the past few classes. In the text book chapter 5 is all about women's health and on page 211- 214 one of the sections I thought was very informative was the section about reproductive health specifically the different kinds of birth control that are out there for women (Kirk, Gwyn, Margo Okazawa-Rey 2010, pg 211-214). The information throughout the chapter, but specifically the about controlling fertility was very helpful. That is the kind of information that women should know and that unfortunately many do not. For that reason and organization like Planned Parenthood/ VOX is so important. Planned Parenthood provides women's health care and information to women who for whatever reason would otherwise not have access to it. VOX being the U.C.F. branch of Planned Parenthood also provides information and can refer students to plan parenthood. I also think it is interesting to be working with them now given all the controversy with Republicans trying to ban Planned Parenthood in the news over the past couple of weeks.

These are incredibly important services because women's health issues if not addressed can be deadly and a women needs to regular check for prevention.

Work Cited (MLA style):
Kirk, Gwyn and Margo Okazawa- Rey. "Women's Bodies, Women's Health." Women's Lives: Multicultural Perspectives.  Kirk, Gwyn and Margot Okazawa- Rey. McGraw Hill, 2010. 211-214.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work here, you make some interesting connections!
